Bonjour – Hello (good day) This is the one that you probably have at least heard of before if you aren't already fully familiar with it It's definitely the most known way of saying "hello" in French and probably the most used as wellMais quand il y en a dans mon assiette, je pense à vous If you don't know the person, exchange pleasantries like a brief "How are you today?" or "I hope you're doing well today" Même si vous n'avez pas encore pris votre billet de retour, ne dites surtout pas "I don't know"With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for how are you today and thousands of other words You can complete the translation of how are you today given by the EnglishFrench Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse Learn French The Fast Easy Fun Way Babbel Hello my friend how are you today in french ...