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Bonjour – Hello (good day) This is the one that you probably have at least heard of before if you aren't already fully familiar with it It's definitely the most known way of saying "hello" in French and probably the most used as wellMais quand il y en a dans mon assiette, je pense à vous If you don't know the person, exchange pleasantries like a brief "How are you today?" or "I hope you're doing well today" Même si vous n'avez pas encore pris votre billet de retour, ne dites surtout pas "I don't know"With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for how are you today and thousands of other words You can complete the translation of how are you today given by the EnglishFrench Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse

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How to say Hello in French Greetings like "good morning" or "good afternoon" are incredibly important in French As the French culture is more formal, going through the ritual of greeting another person is an important way of showing respectJun 15, 07 · Hello My Friend In French Source(s) https//shrinkim/a9P7E 0 0 Anonymous 5 years ago Bonjour cher Chris 0 0 Mum 1 decade ago Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today Join Trending questions Trending questions Can a foreigner speaks a particular language better than the actual native of that language?Feb 22, 19 · Here are 10 ways to reply to "how are you?" in French 1 Bien, merci !

Learn French and how to say "Hello my friend" (Pronunciation) in brackets for rapid learning "My friend" in French Learn one French phrase and one word daOct 31, 18 · You can use this to ask your friends and close acquaintances how they are doing Ça va literally translates to it goes If things in your life are just average, you can answer the question with the same exact phrase, ça va, which tells your friend it's goingApr 16, 21 · Today, you finally learn 15 simple French conversations In fact, if you print this page and reread (out loud) it every now and then, they'll get stuck in your brain for good In this easy French conversation guide, you'll learn

This is the easiest French greeting, and it works both in a formal and informal setting– "Good, thanks!" The goto response to "how are you?" in French is bien, merci !Salut, mon frère ça va ?

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Dec 07,  · You walk to your friend, ask him "comment allezvous ?" (how are you) and expect a passionate answer about what's he's been up to lately Instead, your friend simply answers "good, andJul 31, 18 · Reading Time 4 minutes Even if you aren't familiar with French, you probably know a few words that have fallen into common usage in EnglishIn addition to tasty terms about food like horsd'oeuvre and bon appétit, English speakers have also adopted chic, fiancé, and French concepts like déjà vuMoreover, you're likely to know one of the most common greetings inVous is also the plural "you" in French, be it formal or informal When in doubt, use vous not tu If the person you're speaking with wants to be informal, then they'll tell you Now, look at aller (to go) In French, you're not so much asking "how are you?" but rather "how are you going?" In this case, allez is the conjugated form of aller when used with the pronoun vous

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If someone says this to you, you can respond with ça va bien ("it's going well") or tout va bien ("everything's going well")After you greet someone, you'll4 – À plus / À plus tard / A Saying "À plus tard" is a very popular way of saying "Goodbye" in French nowadays When you say "À plus tard", the s of "plus" is silent, so it's pronounced like plu

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Contextual translation of "hello my beautiful friend" into French Human translations with examples jet?amie, mon belle, coucou mon, ma bel ami, hola amigosJun 12,  · Below are French greetings that you'll find useful if you want to say hello to anyone in France Don't worry about your accent or pronunciation It's more important that you try at first Give these French hellos a go, and impress the locals quickly Bonjour – Hello!French Translation of "my friend" The official Collins EnglishFrench Dictionary online Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases

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Can be used the same way we use the English "how are you?" directly on its own or together with another greeting For example, you can simply say Comment ça va?Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languagesOct 30, 19 · Great, because my name wasn't in today's obituaries Better than I was a minute ago because you are here now I am better on the inside than I look on the outside If I was any finer, I would be China I would be better if you asked me out If I

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Passe le bonjour de ma parte (You're going to see Sophie tomorrow?You'll also learn the formal and informal French for asking people how they are – important stuff if you want to make the right first impression And just in case you need to apologize you'll learn how to say sorry in French as well!Generally, it's Bonjour les ami(e)s If you want to do a traduction motàmot, then you can say Bonjour ami(e)s, which is also acceptable take note of the 'e' in the bracket That will answer the second question there is a lesser used expressio



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Dec 04, 19 · When you want to say 'hello' in French, you can use 'bonjour' during the day, and if it's later in the evening, you can use the next phrase we're going to look at, which is 'bonsoir' 2 Bonsoir 'Bonsoir' is the evening version of 'bonjour' It simply means 'good evening'Apr 15, 08 · "Dis bonjour/salut à mon petit ami" (French) If it is formal or to several people say "dites" instead of "dis" If the "little friend" is female say "ma petite amie" instead of "mon petit ami"Only—quelle horreur!—when you go to greet your friend, you suddenly can't remember how to say "good morning" in French In this article, we'll cover not only how to say "good morning" in French, but how to address the greeting to different people, and even how to say goodbye

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Feb 28, 13 · The standard way to ask someone "how are you?" in French is to ask, "comment allezvous?" There is more than one way to ask the question, though, and more than one way to respond and return the question Here are some of the most helpful and commonly usedSalut, mon frère I'll miss you, Hello, my friend Je vais vous manquer, bonjour mon ami Hello, my friend, my dearest confidante Bonsoir, mon amie, ma chère confidente Hello, my friendAlmost equally as notorious as Bonjour, Comment ça va?

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French words for what are you doing include que faitesvous, que faites vous and qu'estce que vous faites Find more French words at wordhippocom!Say hello for me)Hello, my friend, how are you?

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Jun 30, 19 · You can also use salut to say goodbye in an informal setting among close friends, but there are better ways to say goodbye in French Gestures Associated With "Bonjour" If you say bonjour to a group of strangers—such as when you are entering a shop—you need not add any gestures, though you may nod your head a bit, and of course smileApr 28, 11 · 'Hello' in French is Bonjour, so 'Hello my friend' would be translated as "Bonjour, mon ami"My friend who just completed speaking had talked about a lowering of the emotions and I think that is important www2parlgcca Le député qui vient de parler a dit qu'il fallait enlever un peu d'émotivité dans le débat, et je pense que c'est important

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Or salut, ça va?In this article which originally appeared as the first lesson in the new book My French Routine Volume 1 , we will learn all about the basic French greetingsFull Playlist https//wwwyoutubecom/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDriXwQvWZAT1dTgYwdZqx6bxWatch more How to Learn French videos http//wwwhowcastcom/videos

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May 18,  · 1 – Bonjour the Most Common Way to say hello in French Saying "bonjour" has to be the most common way of saying hello in French And it's usually accompanied by a "bisous à la française" – a kiss on the cheeks – or a firm hand shake Note we do not hug in France when we greet each other 2 – A Polite Way to Say Hello in French("How are you?) or Bonjour!Contextual translation of "hello my friends how are you" into French Human translations with examples mdr, morning, ca va bien, bonjour cava, salut cv bien

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Jan 22,  · You may think you know the basics, but I bet there are certain ones that will you up After 10 years in France, even I still sometimes get caught on the rules of saying hello in French I imagine you already know that you should say "Bonjour" if you walk into a French store or a restaurant before you demand somethingFeb 01, 21 · 3 – Salut "Salut" is a very casual way of saying goodbye in French We also use it to say hello in French, so it's practical!May 27, 19 · La bise is hello in French body language Last, but not least, is the French custom of saying hello without saying a word La bise is the infamous French air kiss, where you approach close enough to brush cheeks Depending on where you are in France, this greeting may take the form of two kisses or three, but beware coupling it with a hearty hug

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Hello, my friend, how are you?Translate Hello my friend how are you today See SpanishEnglish translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and wordbyword explanationsJan 19, 18 · So to say "hello, how are you?" in French, simply say bonjour, ça va?

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"Ways to Say Goodbye in French" from Studycom This quiz gives you a situation and then multiple choice options where you have to pick the most appropriate French goodbye "French Greetings and Goodbyes" flashcards from Quizlet Mix it up with these flashcards to say hello or goodbye in different ways in FrenchApr 05,  · If you're visiting a Frenchspeaking country or sleeping over with a Frenchspeaking friend, you likely want to know how to say "good morning" in French The standard way to say "good morning" in French is "bonjour" (bohnzhoor), which actually translates to "good day" and is typically used to say "hello" Particularly in France, FrenchApr 16,  · It seems weird not to acknowledge that you just talked So in this case, rebonjour (literally Rehello) is what you'd use – Passe/Passez le bonjour de ma part This is how you ask someone, "Say hello for me" in French Example Tu vas voir Sophie demain?

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When most English speakers start learning French they inevitably try to learn things by translating them from English to French It's important to understand that this doesn't work nearly as well as we wish it would, and there is no phrase that demonstrates this more than the phrase tu me manques If you have experience with learning French, but aren't familiar with this phrase you'll#1 Bonjour "Hello" in French The most common way to say "hello" in French literally translates as "good day" You'll hear this French greeting everywhere as you enter shops, greet acquaintances, and even in Disney's wellknown film "Beauty and the Beast" It's polite and used in both formal and informal situations("good, thanks") It's polite and keeps the conversation rolling You can even give it a little more oompf by adding très to the front to say très bien, merci or "very well, thanks" 2 Ça va – "It goes"

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